My time in Homer has ended for this year. I wanted to post a few photos to show how things slow down as they get ready to pull back for the long winter to come. Alaska's growing season is fast and furious — plants have to grow fast to catch enough sun to flower and seed in the few short weeks of summer. Then almost as quickly they begin to fade away.
Alder leaf |
Pushkii |
Elderberry |
I'm in Eugene now, where it is still summer I might add, and don't know exactly when I'll be able to return to Homer. I simply don't know how long it will take to recover from this huge surgery that feels far away at the moment but is in reality very close. For the time being I'll enjoy being here with my son Tuli and his son, Harper. And in a few short days I'll be back in Thailand with Nut.
Tanker on Kachemak Bay |
Kachemak Bay panorama |
In my last post I said the result of the angiogram felt like a reprieve. It still does. Even though I need heart surgery, I'm less concerned about having a sudden heart attack now that I know those pipes around my heart aren't clogged with cholesterol. Consequently, I've been happy as a clam and have very much enjoyed my last few weeks in Alaska. Working with my old friends at Alaska Boats & Permits all summer was really cool too as we completed a few big projects that should benefit the business greatly in the months and years to come. All things considered, I'm glad to say it's been a good summer.
Kirk's sauna — my quiet sylvan resort for the past 2 months |