Thursday, December 9, 2010

We visit an old friend at Ban Pik Noi

December 1 - 4, 2010, Ban Pik Noi
Morning mist and the Nam Khan river from Scott's deck
(N19.89203 E102.22663)
We spent three days visiting Scott, an old Homer friend, at his rustic bungalow near this tiny Lao village (pop. 400) about 15 km east of Luang Prabang. Scott is an engineer and the type of guy that can do it all, from raising the new radio tower for KBBI Public Radio back in 1986 and relocating the station to its present quarters, to building his own home at 17 mile East Road, to speaking fluent Lao today. Lately he has built a simple but lovely dwelling on the east bank of the Nan Khan on the opposite side of the town proper. The Nam Khan is a medium sized tributary to the Mekong that joins it at Luang Prabang (see photo in the previous post) and along with the Mekong sort of defines the old city. With the help of some local workers he pulled a power cable across the river and hung it from posts he'd erected earlier. The power wires are suspended by cables whose tension was specified by calculations Scott made in advance. They applied the tension with a wire-rope come-along like the ones you can buy in Home Depot. However, there is no Home Depot, no Homer Electric Association in Laos nor are there any electrical contractors handy. If you want electricity, you make it happen on your own. From a stainless steel water tank mounted on a steel-pipe platform he built on the spot and erected with pulleys and ropes he derives running water that's been first pumped up to the tank from a well near the river -- he has a flush toilet and a hot shower -- more than I have in my present living situation in Homer.

Scott's home - Khoun is cooking breakfast at left - Scott is grinding coffee at right
Scott grinding coffee

As is typical for SE Asia, the house is made almost completely of concrete. It consists of a ceramic tiled concrete slab as the base with concrete block walls. There's a lot of hardwood trim inside though and the doors and shutter-style windows are also of hardwood.The roof is typical for SE Asia too -- fluted concrete tiles.  Concrete is used for several reasons: it's relatively inexpensive, it's impervious to termites which attack any wood that is in or even close to the ground, and there are plenty of local craftsmen who can work with it. In fact, all the blocks were made on site from cement mixed with readily available river sand and gravel. This is especially handy as everything else must be floated across the river from town. Pretty damn impressive!

Scott has migrated to an amazing community. I met many of the local people, his neighbors, who by our standards are desperately poor, and found them to be hard working, fun loving and seemingly content with their situation. They were great folks to party with -- we had a dinner gathering that eventually developed into a beach BBQ party, and a picnic at Taat Sae, some particularly beautiful waterfalls about 10 km upriver from town.  Everyone that attended was cool - we didn't have much to say to one another, obviously, because I speak no Lao or Thai, but Nut carried on conversations in Thai with them as did Scott and his partner Khoun.

During this time of the year everyone living  along the river is collecting riverweed to make a local delicacy, kai-pan.The green weed is collected, pounded perhaps to tenderize it, chopped into smaller pieces and shaped into square sheets which are then sprinkled with sesame seeds and sometimes thin tomato slices and/or garlic. These sheets are then placed onto split bamboo drying racks and put out in the sun to dry.

After collecting the weed, the 2nd step in making kai-pan is pounding it with a stick. Everyone helps.

Every home in Ban Pik Noi  has these racks to sun dry the kai-pan sheets
The sheets are then rolled up and stored for the rest of the year. One way to to eat the kai-pan is to plunge it into hot oil for a few seconds. It's a bit salty and tastes good -- everyone eats massive quantities of it. Scott recommended eating it with plenty of beer to quench your thirst. I bought into that completely.

The visit to Taat Sae waterfall was pretty cool too. Scott got one of his friends who owns a longboat with a motor and hired him to take up upstream to the falls for a picnic. We loaded the boat with our picnic stuff: beer and ice in a cooler, food for Khoun's special Lao salad, assorted snacks, a charcoal brazier (described below) and a fresh fish Nut had bought at the market the day before (it was alive when she got it). As we motored up the river, Khoun grilled the fish. Yep, while we were moving along he lit a fire and cooked the fish. Scott continually passed me glasses of Beer Lao with ice. I was nervous when turning around to grab the beer fearing I'd flip the very tippy-feeling longboat, which BTW was leaking water by the gallon. No worries, said Scott, all these boats leak like crazy. After a pleasant and uneventful trip up the river we reached the falls. We unloaded everything and hiked a short distance to the picnic area. It turns out that the falls are accessible from the road system so there were many other visitors, including some falangs, there enjoying the cool shade and the somewhat chilly water. I had half expected the falls to be similar to many of the other ones I'd seen in Thailand but these were quite a bit different. For one thing, there were elephants taking people for rides in the water. For another, minerals in the water have created some bizarre looking deposits. And the water is azure blue, presumably due to those same minerals.

Taat Sae Waterfalls

We ate the fish and the Lao salad in the "picnic area" while some folks played in the water. There was one falang couple who had a baby with them, probably about 18-24 months old, who was an instant hit with all of the Lao girls, and with Nut. All Asians are fascinated by people with white skin, and this blonde toddler was not only very white but very cute and not at all shy about all the attention being showered on her. The girls photographed her, and one another holding her, constantly.

Lao girls and falang toddler
Nut holding the falang toddler
This fascination with whiteness is, to me, simply absurd. I know what it's about (poorer people work in the sun and are therefore darker) but the extent to which it dictates how Nut, for example, feels about her skin color is extreme. And she's not alone in that feeling. Far from it. Every skin product sold here includes whiteners and all the models, even Asian ones, have light skin. It's crazy.

Scott and Khoun met in Luang Prabang where Scott had a computer/Internet shop for a while when he first moved to Laos. Khoun is a native of Ban Pik Noi, speaks pretty good English, and is an amazing cook. Much of the day in any Asian home is spent eating and preparing food -- lucky is the visitor who gets  a chance to spend time in a home where Khoun is cooking. We'd get up in the morning, have a couple of cups of strong Lao coffee while Khoun prepared a three-course breakfast. An example: rice, stir fried pork with mushrooms and ginger, stir fried veggies, sometimes an omelet made with local tomatoes and dill (Lao name is pakse). Delicious. Almost as soon as breakfast was over Khoun would start preparing lunch. And so on.

The coffee hereabouts is tasty and always brewed strong-- it's also very, very black. Scott thinks that's because they roast the beans in big pans or woks with a bit of sugar added. At any rate, you can add tons of evaporated milk to your cup and it simply refuses to lighten up. It reminds me a lot of the coffee roasted with chicory I loved so much in New Orleans.

Another great breakfast with Khoun and Scott
Our last meal together was a masterpiece. The main course was Stuffed Deep-Fried Bamboo Shoots. Khoun served steamed squash and fried sticky-rice cakes with it and of course there was plenty of Beer Lao to wash it all down with. We drank Beer Lao with every meal except breakfast.

Khoun frying the bamboo shoots
Bon appetit!
If you'd like to make Stuffed Deep-Fried Bamboo Shoots for yourself here's how to proceed. The first part will be the hardest because you must find a thicket of bamboo somewhere. Got bamboo? Okay, now cut about 10 inches off the growing tips of as many young shoots as you think you'll need. For three people you'll want about 12-18 of them. Boil for an hour or so. (They can be stored in plastic bags for several months in this parboiled state by the way.) Now peel off the tough outer layers of each shoot and boil again for about another hour until the shoots are very tender. Drain well and allow to cool.

With a toothpick or other pointed object make many lengthwise cuts or slits along each shoot. You'll place the stuffing inside these slits. You've already prepared the stuffing, right? If not, here's the recipe: with a mortar and pestle grind together until smooth handfuls of lemon grass, garlic, and a small onion. Finely chop about a pound of lean pork loin (moo sap). Blend the chopped pork with the lemon grass mixture. Add a bunch of fresh pakse (dill) from the garden along with some nam pla (fish sauce) or soy sauce, some salt, and enough pork or chicken broth to make a moldable mixture. Stuff this mixture generously into the slits in each shoot.

Get a steamer going because the pork must be cooked before deep frying. Everyone in SE Asia uses a wood or charcoal fired stove for a multitude of cooking chores. This is one of those chores. These stoves are made of concrete (see photo) and have a simple three point system that conveniently supports various pots, pans and woks. They're also semi-portable if a bit on the heavy side. Many of them are cast right inside of a galvanized bucket so they have a bail-type handle built in. You started your stove earlier, right? Okay, good. Place a few shoots at a time into a woven bamboo steamer basket over boiling water (I guess a stainless steel basket would work.) and steam them until the pork is fully cooked. Drain and pat dry.

Prepare a tempura type dipping mixture. Eggs, cornstarch, water, a bit of soy sauce and chicken concentrate for taste and some salt should do it. Dip each shoot into this mixture until completely covered, then drop into hot oil and with constant turning, fry until golden brown. Serve with deep fried black and white sticky rice crackers and Beer Lao over nam kang (ice cubes). Awesome! (You remembered to make the sticky rice didn't you? Oh hell, let's see.... )

December 9, 2010 Bangkok

It's been almost a week since we left Laos and I'm just finishing up this entry. I'm staying with Nut at her place and she has no Internet so I'm in a coffee shop working against the clock. Well, sort of.

Our trip to Lao was about rivers I reckon. The trip down the Mekong was mighty fine. And visiting Scott in his adopted home on the Nam Khan was awesome. Everything we saw and did revolved around river life. The weather in Lao was different too. Night time temperatures were in the low 60s -- one night it was 59 deg F -- and they sent Nut into a paroxysm of shivers every morning. She slept in all her clothes and under two blankets. While she enjoyed the good air and the sunny afternoons she soon got tired of being cold. I might've stayed for another week in Luang Prabang but we wanted to visit Cambodia before Christmas and I also have the Africa trip ahead. So we somewhat reluctantly made our way back to Bangkok. Two very long days on buses brought us first (the first leg was in Laos over very rough roads on a very old bus) to Nong Khai and then from there to Bangkok on quite a bit nicer Thai bus.

Tomorrow, we'll fly to Phnom Penh where we'll meet up with Albert. Last time I was there I chased bar girls and spent a lot of money on booze. This time I want to see Angkor Wat and also spend a few days in Sihanoukville. This visit promises to be quite a bit different. Stay tuned....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Journey down the Mekong to Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang, Laos - Nov 30, 2010, 10 pm

I'm sitting on the front porch of my guesthouse in this fair city on a beautiful evening in (almost) December. It's a very pleasant evening  -- the temperature about 70 F and calm, and on my little lane, it's quiet. I'm working on a bottle of affordable French wine while the Mekong River, wide and abnormally placid hereabouts, is flowing silently toward Vietnam to my left while my comfy room is just off the deck to my right. Below me, the family that runs the guesthouse opposite is eating dinner, charcoal brazier sparking brightly right next to the table, family members and friends coming and going, their conversation rising and falling in the night air. There are some other conversations going on -- the neighbor lady is talking with her daughter, two guys next door are chatting away and I can faintly hear some music in the air -- a radio program perhaps, early American rock? -- the little neighborhood of  Wat Nong is feeling very friendly. This is a great place to be and I've had a super day.

In Luang Prabang - the local museum and a temple are in the background

I just reread what I wrote above and I asked myself, how can I use so many superlatives? I reckon it's because I've run out of other words that can describe the things I've seen and experienced. Of course, that's only me -- there are others who have journeyed much farther than me, and who have embraced challenges I wouldn't ever consider. But for me, a slightly adventurous retiree who is all too rapidly approaching the age of 70, being here with no schedule and no responsibilities is feeling mighty fine, mighty fine indeed.

But I need to step back a couple of days to describe the river trip down the Mekong. There are several ways to get to Luang Prabang but a good way, perhaps the best way, is to take the two-day ride down the mighty Mekong by "slow boat" from Huay Xai, Laos, which is just across the river from Chiang Khong. For 1,600 baht (about $50) I bought a package that included a minivan ride from Chiang Mai, accommodations at a guesthouse in Chiang Khong that included dinner and breakfast, and the boat ticket to Luang Prabang. It was a pretty good deal even though the guesthouse in Chiang Khong was nothing special and the meals there only so-so. But the boat ride was very cool.

A view of Huay Xai, Laos, from Chiang Khong
After breakfast and a quick trip through Laos Immigration we were on our way. We had bought some cheap seat cushions to use on the boat because we were told the seats were hard and not very comfortable. But our boat that day was equipped with automobile seats. We were a bit crowded but the seats were nice. Many of us were convinced that we had been scammed into buying the cushions (about $1 apiece) but it turned out we had occasion to use them the next day. I'll get to that in a moment. On the first day we traveled about 140 km in approximately 7 hours to the small town of Pak Beng, about midway to our destination. The photo of the riverboat below was taken at Luang Prabang but it's typical of the boats that ply the Mekong and very similar to the one we rode.

Typical Mekong riverboat
The river journey was surprisingly scenic. I had expected to travel on a river that looked like the Mekong at Chiang Khong, broad and muddy but slow moving, meandering through broad valleys and farmland. No, not exactly. It is quite a formidable river, the 12th longest in the world, considered unnavigable where we were traveling, full of rocks and small rapids and passing through wild, mostly undeveloped country. There are people living along the entire Mekong valley but they are definitely living, as we say in Alaska, remotely -- no question about that.

Here's a Google Earth screenshot of a portion of the journey. Clearly visible are some of the rocky stretches we frequently negotiated as we made our way to Luang Prabang.

Our overnight stop in Pak Beng wasn't remarkable. The town survives because of these tourist boat trips and has apparently been much built up over the years as  a result. We paid quite a bit relatively for our dinner and breakfast but all in all, it was no big deal. The Lao money is bizarre in that $1 = 8,000 kip. A meal will set you back 70,000- 150,000 kip. Getting used to those numbers takes a while. My wallet is packed with 50,000 kip notes -- each is worth a little over 6 USD. (I went to the ATM in Luang Prabang yesterday and withdrew 1,500,000 kip. Presto, I'm a millionaire!)

Mekong River looking east and downriver from Pak Beng just after sunrise

We went down to the river next morning and found a boat waiting for us that was quite a bit less cushy than the one that had deposited us here the night before. It was a smaller boat equipped with dilapidated wooden seats, small and tightly spaced. The first boat had a snack bar with sandwiches, snacks and cold beer, and let's not forget those car seats-- this one had a cooler loaded with Beer Lao -- but no sandwiches and precious little room to get back to the beer. Some of the passengers began a small revolt and demanded a better boat, like the one tied up alongside ours. My thinking was to just make the best of it so I didn't join them in making those demands. It was just as well because the other boat they were eying was going back upstream -- there was no way we were going to get a different ride. After much bitching and whining on the part of the would be revolutionaries, off we went down the river. And so too, we found a good use for those boat cushions we had brought along from Chiang Khong. During the trip I had the thought that the people operating this boat might have been driven out of business in the states. They (all of these boats appear to be family run -- the man skippering, the wife serving beverages and handling lines, etc., their kids running here and there, helping out where they can) had an obviously inferior boat compared to the one that had taken us to Pak Beng. Yet, under the circumstances, I believe they deserved to be working and earning money to support themselves. Should they take out a loan for a newer boat, if that is even possible in rural Laos, in order to keep up with the Joneses? Probably not. I think it's best to try to ignore our western standards, which really don't apply here where nobody is making big money, and simply go with the flow. We're only guests in their country after all. And it's a beautiful country.

Rocky outcrop on the Mekong near Luang Prabang
Fellow traveler Mick, a friendly Aussie I had a few beers with
We arrived in Luang Prabang after a really nice day on the water. I was impressed with this town from the moment we landed. Yes, it's more touristy and a bit more expensive than many places I've visited in Thailand, but it's a place where I could easily spend a month. It's very friendly, with a perfect winter climate.

A view of the Mekong from a riverside restaurant - Luang Prabang
A few more photos follow:

Junction of the Nam Khan and the Mekong at Luang Prabang

The Nam Khan river has special significance. We visited an old Homer friend, Scott, who has relocated to Laos and lives upstream on the banks of the Nam Khan in the tiny town of Ban Pik Noi. I'll have more to say about Scott and his home in my next entry,

A flower - of course. Luang Prabang

We spent a few days with Scott at his riverside home in Ban Pik Noi. I worked with Scott at the Homer public radio station, KBBI, in  around 1985-87. He permanently relocated to Laos about 6 years ago and has built a new life here. The visit with Scott was at his home will without a doubt go down as a highlight of my trip. Stay tuned....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Doi Tung

Thursday, November 25th -- Thanksgiving Day

Nut and I are about to leave Thailand for a couple of weeks. We'll be making a two-day trip via slow boat to Luang Prabang, in Laos, down the Mekong River from Chiang Khong the day after tomorrow. We're back in Chiang Mai at the moment and I've just returned our rented motorcycle so that part of the trip is over. We had a wonderful ride that ended well -- no accidents nor even any close calls, a small miracle for having driven 3 or 4,000 km in Thailand, sometimes known as the Land of Smiles; at the same time it's a country where many of the drivers are absolutely insane. I must add here that, while it can get crazy at times, the drivers of most larger vehicles thankfully seem to be aware of and act courteously toward moto drivers.

We arrived in Chiang Mai a few days ago, on the 20th, and got here just in time for the Loy Krathong festival. It was fun and and a wonderful experience that I'll try to cover in another post. But I want to describe our last day of motorcycle adventuring which took place on a day trip out of Chiang Rai on the 19th. We went to the Queen Mother's summer residence in Doi Tung at the extreme northern tip of Thailand near the junction of its boundary with those of Laos and Myanmar. The trip up and back was another fabulous biking experience on beautiful roads in perfect conditions.

On the road to Doi Tung - Rte 1138 (above and below)

The Queen Mother's estate is a work of art; it's a beautiful mansion situated on a high hilltop in rural Thailand surrounded by artfully constructed, carefully manicured and meticulously maintained flower gardens. It is hard to describe the veneration accorded the royal family here in Thailand. Although many Thais live impoverished  lives their king is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. His property holdings are extensive, and totally private, he is a major stockholder in some of Thailand's biggest firms, owns something like 3500 acres of prime real estate in Bangkok -- the list goes on. But he's a good man by all reports and people simply love him despite the disparities in incomes and the quality of their lives. There are laws on the books to protect his image as well. If you speak against him (or any of the royals) by criticizing him publicly for example, you can be sent to jail for up to 15 years or even longer if the offenses are deemed serious enough. No free speech here I'm afraid. Even farangs have been jailed for slandering the king so everyone must be diplomatic in discussions thereof. I explored the topic of the king's wealth with Nut the other day.
I asked, "Are you concerned that your king is so wealthy?"
She replied, "No, because he's a good man and he works hard for the people."
I said, "You work harder than him I'm sure." (She works 7 days a week, 12 hours a day and can barely pay her $200/month rent in the off season).
She said, "Not important. He is our king."
End of discussion.

Back to the queen mother's residence on Doi Tung. This place was essentially a summer palace. The queen mother is long gone but her estate has been turned into a public park. Cameras are prohibited inside the residence proper, which is consistent with the manner in which the royals are protected, but I can tell you it's a place "fit for a king". The art and furnishings are beautiful, the solid hardwood floors smooth and gleaming, the views from the many verandas stunning.

This guard wouldn't smile or answer but when asked his buddy said, Sure, you can take a photo

When I was in Versailles and Fontainebleau last year I marveled at the spacious rooms, sumptuous furnishings, the exquisite art, and wondered what it might have been like to have been a French peasant in the 1700s seeing the royals living the way they did while you could barely keep food on the table. This place is similar in that sense although far smaller in scale.

We toured one other nearby place, an arboretum that while not as opulent or extensive had some interesting features. We ran into an old Burmese gardener who was eager to show us some very old (he claimed one was over 900 years old),  magnolia trees and other points of interest. He took us to a viewing platform named, I think incorrectly, Tri Cities Viewpoint because from its vantage point you can see three countries, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. Embedded in the ground directly behind the platform  was a metal marker of the kind surveyors use to mark important locations, called "bench marks" in American jargon. He told us it was a boundary marker and that Myanmar was on one side and Thailand on the other. He shot this photo of Nut and I with one foot in each country. I recorded a GPS waypoint for future reference.

After I got back to our hotel in Chiang Rai I fired up Google Earth and imported the coordinates of the marker and zoomed in on it. Unfortunately that particular area was obscured by clouds on the day the satellite image used by Google was photographed but the boundary is visible and appears to be a little bit north, about 0.2 miles, of the spot. Thinking Google Earth might not have the international boundary exactly placed I checked it against my OSM open source GPS map. The results were the same. My guess is that the old guy wanted that marker to be the on the international boundary but I decided a more likely scenario is that it is actually on the boundary of the arboretum. The coordinates of the point are: N20.33609, E99.81070. If anyone knows a way to check this out or verify it in some way, please let me know.

The ride back to Chiang Rai was spectacular. We first rode north on Route 1149 along a narrow ridge right alongside the border with Myanmar that provided superb viewing on both sides. The road was narrow and the descent to Mae Sai very steep. It descended in a series of tight switchbacks -- probably the steepest road I've driven in Thailand -- which meant a lot of first gear engine braking along with constant hydraulic braking to keep our speed below 15 mph.

View east from Rte 1149

View west to Myanmar from Rte 1149
Here's a Google Earth screenshot of Route 1149 as it threads it way along the border. Our GPS recorded track is in blue, the international boundary in yellow. Myanmar is on the left (west), Thailand to the right (east) with the area around Mae Sai just visible at upper right. As you can see, our track and Route 1149 apparently cross into Myanmar in several places. Are these real crossings or are they just Google Earth location errors? Seeing this also makes me look back at the boundary marker question and reconsider -- maybe the old gardener is right after all.

Obviously, there is plenty of exploration to be done around Chiang Rai and the north of Thailand in general. I think this trip was a fitting way to end our motorcycle expedition. You simply couldn't ask for better conditions or lovelier scenery. But we had reservations in Chiang Mai for the next night, the first of three nights of Loy Krathong celebrations, and hotel space was in short supply so this trip officially ended the tour. We drove the fast highways south next day to Chiang Mai and after a few hours were back at our hotel. I haven't tallied the total distance we drove but I'm pretty sure it's in the neighborhood of 1500-2000 miles. It was a hell of a nice trip.

Next stop, Chiang Khong, and after that Luang Prabang. Talk to you soon.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lake Phayao

My time in Phayao was made extra special by finding a small road that hugs the west shore of this fairly large lake. We knew there was a road from a conversation we had with an American expat we ran into at a Phayao restaurant but he didn't know exactly how to get there and consequently couldn't give us directions. Hell, next day was a nice day for a ride (aren't they all?) so Nut and I piled onto the old thumper and headed south on Route 1, the main drag, hung a right onto Rte 1193 heading east and drove slowly for a mile or so until I spotted a small side road leading toward the lake. It was a pleasant little side road. The little towns we passed through were so peaceful on this sublime day, the flowers gorgeous, the people so friendly, that we ambled along in third gear rarely exceeding 15 mph. Finally we reached a junction with another larger highway but during the whole time on the small road I hadn't sighted an obvious lake shore road. Bummer.

Yet the ride had been so pleasant I decided to retrace our route and return to Phayao the same way we'd come. When I stopped to photograph some flowers Nut struck up a conversation with a lady who had crossed the road to ask her what the big falang was doing with that camera. "Oh, photographing flowers? I have many flowers at my house. Come along." And she did.

Nut and she were talking all the while I was photographing and sure enough, she knew exactly how to get to the lake and explained it to Nut in a flurry of Thai directions, comments, ooohs and aaahs. It turns out that many roads lead to the lake shore. It's just that they all look like driveways -- tiny, one-lane concrete driveways. We went down the "main" road a few hundred yards, hung a left and proceeded down a narrow, shady lane to the lake. It seemed a completely different lake from the crowded scene in Phayao -- green and serene, the air filled with birdsong, fishermen paddling longboats here and there, and the whole shoreline lush with lotus plants.

I had not seen these huge, (6-10" in circumference), lotuses before so they really caught my attention. The fruit, actually the seed pod, is sold in markets all over SE Asia but I had never seen the flower. And it is a gorgeous thing to behold. I tried to get close to one for a good shot but of course they grow in bogs so unless you're willing to wade in mud and water up to your waist, you can't very in tight. Here are my first efforts:

We followed the road north as it meandered back and forth hugging the lake shore until it hit the main east west highway on its northern side, the same highway that we had turned back from earlier. This point offers the easiest access to the lakeshore drive and below I show our GPS track with its coordinates for any of you lucky enough to attempt the same drive someday. We turned around and did the entire road again, this time going all the way back to the south

I was so taken with the scene over there that we returned towards evening hoping to catch some nicer lighting conditions. The sunset was obscured by clouds but I got a couple of shots I liked. Just beyond the lake to the west are rice paddies and mountains -- I liked the clouds well enough to show these two samples... (click on them to see full size)

I returned to the lake shore early next morning. Nut uncharacteristically said, "You go alone. I want to sleep more." Off I went. The northern part of the lake was shrouded in mist but as I made my way south the sun began to burn it off. I caught this fisherman making his way out for the day's work.

Lake Phayao fields just after sunrise

Just as I was about the head back to the hotel I spied a lotus flower in a small drainage ditch next to the roadway. It was mostly closed when I first spotted it but after a few minutes in the direct rays of the sun it gradually opened to reveal its beautiful interior. You can still see the morning dew on the petals and leaves if you look closely. (I included this one as a full size photo.)

Below is a screen shot of our Lake Phayao circuit. The northern part of the route is unfortunately obscured somewhat by the light color of the Google Earth (GE) satellite imagery in that area but if you happen to have a GPS or want to explore the area yourself with GE, the coordinates of the north junction of the lake shore road with Rte 1001 are N 19.20176 E 99.86291.The screen shot below doesn't really do our drive justice because I've zoomed out far enough to show the entire circuit so plugging those coordinates into GE is a much better way to see it.